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Target Exam





Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:-

Plant breeders aim to create new and improved varieties by crossing different species, and sometimes even genera, to combine desirable traits. To achieve successful crossbreeding, it is crucial to ensure that only the intended pollen grains are used for pollination, while also protecting the stigma from any unintended contamination. This careful selection and controlled pollination process help breeders create commercially superior varieties with specific traits.

Given below are the events that are observed in an artificial hybridization programme. Arrange them in the correct sequential order in which they are followed in the hybridization programme.
(a) Re-bagging
(b) Selection of parents
(c) Bagging
(d) Dusting the pollen on stigma
(e) Emasculation
(f) Collection of pollen from male parent






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2)- b,e,c,f,d,a

The correct sequential order of events in an artificial hybridization program is as follows:

  1. Selection of parents (b) - The parents with desired traits are chosen for the hybridization program.
  2. Emasculation (e) - The anthers are carefully removed from the female parent's flower to prevent self-pollination or unwanted pollination.
  3. Bagging (c) - The emasculated flowers are covered with bags to protect them from unwanted pollen and ensure controlled pollination.
  4. Collection of pollen from male parent (f) - Mature pollen grains are collected from the anthers of the selected male parent, which carries the desired traits.
  5. Dusting the pollen on stigma (d) - The collected pollen grains are applied or dusted onto the stigma of the emasculated flower, ensuring the transfer of desired pollen for fertilization.
  6. Re-bagging (a) - After pollen application, the flowers are covered again with bags to prevent contamination from external sources.

By following this sequential order, breeders can successfully carry out artificial hybridization, ensuring controlled pollination and the transfer of desired traits from the male parent to the female parent.