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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who is known as the "Father of the Indian Renaissance"?


Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Ram Singh

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

HN Kunzru

Correct Answer:

Raja Ram Mohan Roy


The correct answer is Option 3- Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Raja Ram Mohan Roy is often considered the "Father of the Indian Renaissance,". He himself was a prominent social and religious reformer in 19th-century India. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in 1772 and is known for his efforts towards social reforms, including the abolition of Sati, advocating for the rights of women, promoting education, and working towards religious tolerance and understanding. He founded the Brahmo Sabha, which later evolved into the Brahmo Samaj, a reformist Hindu movement aimed at rejuvenating Indian society.