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Target Exam



Political Science


The Philosophy Of The Constitution


Which act of British India sought to deny the basic freedom from arbitrary arrest?


The Rowlatt Act

The Permanent Settlementnt Act

The Sunst Law

The Vernacular Press Act

Correct Answer:

The Rowlatt Act


The correct answer is Option 1- The Rowlatt Act

The infamous Rowlatt Act was opposed by the national movement for denying basic freedoms such as freedom from arbitrary arrest.

The first point to note about the Constitution is its commitment to individual freedom. This commitment did not emerge miraculously out of calm deliberations around a table. Rather, it was the product of continuous intellectual and political activity of well over a century. As early as the beginning of the nineteenth century, Rammohan Roy protested against curtailment of the freedom of the press by the British colonial state. Roy argued that a state responsive to the needs of individuals must provide them the means by which their needs are communicated. Therefore, the state must permit unlimited liberty of publication. Likewise, Indians continued to demand a free press throughout the British rule.

It is not surprising therefore that freedom of expression is an integral part of the Indian Constitution. So is the freedom from arbitrary arrest. After all, the infamous Rowlatt Act, which the national movement opposed so vehemently, sought to deny this basic freedom. These and other individual freedoms such as freedom of conscience are part of the liberal ideology. On this basis, we can say that the Indian Constitution has a pretty strong liberal character.