Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting for Shares


In the absence of a company's own articles of association, which provisions apply according to Table A?


Provisions related to board meetings

Provisions related to dividend distribution

Provisions related to call-making process

Provisions related to employee benefits

Correct Answer:

Provisions related to call-making process


The articles of association are a set of rules that govern the internal operations and management of a company. They include regulations on various matters, including the issuance and management of shares, dividend distribution, board meetings, and more. When a company doesn't have its own customized articles of association, it can refer to "Table A" for default regulations. Table A is a standard set of articles prescribed under the Companies Act of various jurisdictions. These standard articles cover various aspects of company operations, and one of the aspects mentioned in Table A is the call-making process for shares. The call-making process involves requesting shareholders to pay the remaining amount on their subscribed shares. The specific provisions related to this process, such as the minimum notice period, maximum call amount, and time intervals between calls, are provided in Table A.