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Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Arrange the following travellers sequentially in order of their arrival in India,
A. Mahmud Wali Balkhi
B. Francois Bernier
C. Abd-ul Razzaq
D. Ibn Battuta

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. D, B, C, A
2. C, B, A, D
3. D, C, A, B
4. B, D, C, A






Correct Answer:



The correct order of arrival for the mentioned travelers in India is as follows:

D. Ibn Battuta
C. Abd-ul Razzaq
A. Mahmud Wali Balkhi
B. Francois Bernier

Years and name of the travellers who came to India:

1626-31 (Year spent in India): Mahmud Wali Balkhi (from Balkh).
Mahmud Wali Balkhi, who travelled very widely in the 1620s was fascinated by India and even became a sort of sanyasi for a time.
1656 to 1668 François Bernier (from France)
François Bernier, a Frenchman, was a doctor, political philosopher and historian. Like many others, he came to the Mughal Empire in search of opportunities. He was in India for twelve years, from 1656 to 1668, and was closely associated with the Mughal court, as a physician to Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan, and later as an intellectual and scientist, with Danishmand Khan, an Armenian noble at the Mughal court
1413-82 Abd-ul Razzaq (from Samarqand)
Abdur Razzaq Samarqandi visited south India in the 1440s.
1304-77 Ibn Battuta (from Morocco)
By the time Ibn Battuta arrived in Delhi in the fourteenth century, the subcontinent was part of a global network of communication that stretched from China in the east to north-west Africa and Europe in the west.