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Target Exam





Modern India: Framing the Constitution

In the constituent assembly who said “People who are present in this House to fashion a constitution for India and do not know Hindustani are not worthy to be members of this Assembly. They better leave"?
R. V. Dhulekar
K. Santhanam
Shri Shankarrao Deo
S. N. Mukherjee
Correct Answer:
R. V. Dhulekar
In one of the earliest sessions of the Constituent Assembly, R. V. Dhulekar, a Congressman from the United Provinces, made an aggressive plea that Hindi be used as the language of constitution-making. When told that not everyone in the Assembly knew the language, Dhulekar retorted: “People who are present in this House to fashion a constitution for India and do not know Hindustani is not worthy to be members of this Assembly. They better leave.” As the House broke up in commotion over these remarks, Dhulekar proceeded with his speech in Hindi.