Practicing Success

Target Exam





Kinds of Sentence


Change the following sentence from an Exclamatory to an Assertive sentence by choosing the correct option.

What a piece of work is Man !

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


Man is a wonderful piece of work.

Men are wonderful piece of work.

Can man be so wonderful ?

Man is the noblest creation of God.

Correct Answer:

Man is a wonderful piece of work.


The given exclamatory sentence "What a piece of work is Man!" is expressing admiration or wonder about the nature of human beings.

The corresponding assertive sentence is "Man is a wonderful piece of work." In this assertion, the exclamation has been rephrased as a statement. It conveys the same idea that humans are remarkable or wonderful creations without the exclamatory tone. The adjective "wonderful" captures the positive sentiment expressed in the original sentence.