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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


Industrial sector of India at the eve of Independence was NOT suffering from which of the following problems?


Lack of Modernisation

Lack of Diversification

Lack of public investment

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


By the time India won its independence, the impact of the two-century long British colonial rule was already showing on all aspects of the Indian economy. The agricultural sector was already saddled with surplus labour and extremely low productivity. The industrial sector was crying for modernisation, diversification, capacity building and increased public investment. Foreign trade was oriented to feed the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Infrastructure facilities, including the famed railway network, needed upgradation, expansion and public orientation. Prevalence of rampant poverty and unemployment required welfare orientation of public economic policy. In a nutshell, the social and economic challenges before the country were enormous.