Practicing Success

Target Exam





Enterprise growth Strategies

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about the concept of Value Chain?
'Value Chain' analysis looks at every step of business, from raw-materials to the eventual end users, with one goal to deliver maximum value.
The concept was developed by Michael Porter in his 1980 book 'Wealth of Nations'.
Michael Porter suggested that the organisation is split into ‘primary activities’ , 'secondary activities' and ‘support activities’.
All of the above
Correct Answer:
'Value Chain' analysis looks at every step of business, from raw-materials to the eventual end users, with one goal to deliver maximum value.
A value chain is the whole series of activities that create and build value at every step. The total value delivered by the company is the sum total of the value built up all throughout the company. In simple words 'Value Chain' is a high level model of how business receive raw-materials, add value to the raw-materials through various processes and sell as finished products to customers. 'Value Chain' analysis looks at every step of business, from raw-materials to the eventual end users, with one goal to deliver maximum value. Michael Porter introduced the value chain analysis concept in his 1985 book ‘The Competitive Advantage’. Porter suggested that activities within an organisation add value to the service and products that the organisation produces and all these activities should be run at optimum level if the organisation is to gain any real competitive advantage. If they are run efficiently, the value obtained should exceed the costs of running them i.e. customers should return to the organisation and transact freely and willingly. Michael Porter suggested that the organisation is split into ‘primary activities’ and ‘support activities’.