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Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Rearrange the following jumbled words to form a meaningful sentence by choosing the correct option :

People / is / sacred / some / considered / by / an / elephant / a / with / tusk :


By some people an elephant is considered sacred with a tusk.

An elephant is considered by some people with a tusk sacred.

Some people considered an elephant with a tusk sacred.

An elephant with a tusk is considered sacred by some people.

Correct Answer:

An elephant with a tusk is considered sacred by some people.


The correct answer is option 4. An elephant with a tusk is considered sacred by some people.

The sentence "An elephant with a tusk is considered sacred by some people." communicates the idea that there are individuals who regard an elephant, particularly one with tusks, as sacred or holy.

Breaking down the sentence:

"An elephant": This part of the sentence introduces the subject, which is the animal being discussed.

"with a tusk": This specifies a particular characteristic of the elephant, indicating that it possesses tusks.

"is considered": This phrase introduces the main verb of the sentence, indicating that something is believed or regarded in a particular way by someone.

"sacred": This adjective describes the belief or perception of the elephant as being holy or deserving of reverence.

"by some people": This indicates the specific group of individuals who hold the belief about the elephant.

Together, the sentence conveys the notion that among certain groups of people, there exists a belief in the sacredness or holiness of an elephant, particularly one with tusks. It highlights the cultural or religious significance attributed to these animals in certain communities.