Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary Centres of power


Arrange the formation of European Union in a sequential order.

(A) The European Parliament
(B) The Council of Europe
(C) The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
(D) The Europe Economic Community
(E) The European Union

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A), (B), (D), (E), (C)

(B), (A), (C), (D), (E)

(C), (B), (D), (A), (E)

(C), (D), (A), (B), (E)

Correct Answer:

(C), (B), (D), (A), (E)


The correct answer is option (3) - (C), (B), (D), (A), (E)

The correct sequence of the formation of the European Union:

(C) The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation - 1948
(B) The Council of Europe - 1949
(D) The Europe Economic Community - 1957
(A) The European Parliament - created after 1957 but before 1992
(E) The European Union - 1992

European integration after 1945 was aided by the Cold War. America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe’s economy under what was called the ‘Marshall Plan’. The US also created a new collective security structure under NATO. Under the Marshall Plan, the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 1948 to channel aid to the Western European states. It became a forum where the Western European states began to cooperate on trade and economic issues. The Council of Europe, established in 1949, was another step forward in political cooperation. The process of economic integration of European capitalist countries proceeded step by step leading to the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957. This process acquired a political dimension with the creation of the European Parliament. The collapse of the Soviet bloc put Europe on a fast track and resulted in the establishment of the European Union in 1992. The foundation was thus laid for a common foreign and security policy, cooperation on justice and home affairs, and the creation of a single currency.