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Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Profit and Loss


Vijay bought a fridge and a washing machine together for ₹38,200. He sold the fridge at a profit of 15% and washing machine at a loss of 24% and both are sold at the same price. The cost price of the washing machine is:






Correct Answer:



The cost price of washing machine and the fridge = 38200

Profit on fridge = 15%

Loss on washing machine = 24%

According to the question the selling price of both the items is same so,

               CP              SP

Fridge      20              23

Machine   25              19

As the selling prie of both the items is same to making sp same by multiplying with 19 and 23 in both the equations as given below,

               CP              SP

Fridge      20              23 ) × 19

Machine   25              19 ) × 23


               CP              SP

Fridge     380             437

Machine  575            437

380 + 575= 955 (Total CP)

if , 955 = 38200

then, 575 =  23000