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Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

The gate was opened by the peon.


The peon is opening the gate.

The peon opened the gate.

The peon was opening the gate.

The gate was being opened by the peon.

Correct Answer:

The peon opened the gate.


The correct option that expresses the given sentence in active voice is:

The peon opened the gate.

The other options and their explanations:

☀ The peon is opening the gate.

  • This option is in present continuous tense, which does not match the past tense of the original sentence.

☀ The peon was opening the gate.

  • This option is in past continuous tense, which again does not match the simple past tense of the original sentence.

☀ The gate was being opened by the peon.

  • This option is in the passive voice as well, but it includes the continuous tense "being opened," which is not present in the original sentence. Additionally, it is unnecessarily wordy and does not express the intended meaning of the active voice conversion.