Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Profession in India


The two grades of practitioners, the Vakils and the Pleaders were eliminated by which of the following Act?


The Advocates Act, 1961

The Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926

The Legal Practitioners Act, 1879

The Legal Practitioners Act, 1846

Correct Answer:

The Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926


Giving effect to the Chamier Committee recommendations, the Central Legislature enacted the Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926. The Act was to provide for the constitution and incorporation of Bar Councils, to confer powers and impose duties on the Bar Councils and to consolidate the regulations pertaining to the legal profession. The Bar Councils could, with the consent of the High Court, make rules for: a) the rights and duties of Advocates of High Court and professional conduct; and b) legal education and examinations. The Act eliminated the two grades of practitioners, the Vakils and the Pleaders by merging them in the class of Advocates who were "entitled as of right to practice" in the High Court in which they were enrolled and in any other Court in British India, subject to certain exceptions.