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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Human Rights in India


“This Article is most fundamental, expansive and covers many rights which are applicable to both the citizens as well as non-citizen.” Which fundamental right is referred to in the above statement?


Rights of Accused

Right to Equality

Right to Freedom

Right to Life and Personal Liberty

Correct Answer:

Right to Life and Personal Liberty


Right to life and personal liberty : Article 21 states as follows: ´No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.

This article is most fundamental; it is expansive and covers many other rights and is applicable to both the citizens as well as non-citizens.The meaning of 'right to life' includes right to human dignity, right to basic requirements of life, right to participate in activities and expression, right to tradition, heritage, and culture, and so on.'Personal liberty' means various rights that provide for personal liberty of a person, i.e., everyone has right to do his or her will freely.