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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Planning and development in Indian Context


Which of the following statements is correct?

a- As a result of intensive irrigation, the traditional crops sown in Rajasthan- gram, bajra and jowar have been replaced by wheat, cotton, groundnut and rice.

b- This has also caused waterlogging and soil salinity, and thus, in the long run, it hampers the sustainability of agriculture.


Only statement a is correct.

Only statement b is correct.

Both statements are correct.

Neither of them is correct.

Correct Answer:

Both statements are correct.


The traditional crops sown in the area, gram, bajra and jowar have been replaced by wheat, cotton, groundnut and rice. This is the result of intensive irrigation. This intensive irrigation, no doubt, initially has led to a tremendous increase in agricultural and livestock productivity. This has also caused waterlogging and soil salinity, and thus, in the long run, it hampers the sustainability of agriculture.