Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following gave up his traditional professions and took to arms, successfully established kingdom in Karnataka ?


Vasudeva Kanva

Gurjana-Pratihara Harichandra

Pushyamitra  Shunga

Kadamba Mayurasharman

Correct Answer:

Kadamba Mayurasharman


The correct answer is Option (4) - Kadamba Mayurasharman

Kadamba Mayurasharman was a Brahmin who gave up his traditional profession and took to arms, successfully establishing the Kadamba kingdom in Karnataka.

The Kadamba kingdom was founded in 345 CE by Mayurasharman, who was a Brahmin by birth. He was a minister in the Pallava kingdom, but he later rebelled against the Pallavas and established his own kingdom. The Kadamba kingdom ruled over Karnataka for over 200 years, and it was known for its art, architecture, and literature.