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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Globalisation and Social Change

"We have read in our history textbooks about the famous Silk route, which centuries ago connected India to the great civilisations, which existed in China, Persia, Egypt and Rome. " Reading the above lines what do we get know about India's interaction with the rest of the world. "
India's interaction with the rest of the world existed from the ancient times.
India's interaction with the rest of the world existed from the medieval times.
India's interaction with the rest of the world started during the colonial times.
India's interaction with the rest of the world started in 20th century.
Correct Answer:
India's interaction with the rest of the world existed from the ancient times.
India was not isolated from the world even two thousand years ago. We have read in our history textbooks about the famous Silk route, which centuries ago connected India to the great civilisations, which existed in China, Persia, Egypt and Rome.