Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements is correct about affirmative actions with equality?

Statement A- Affirmative action is based on the idea that it is sufficient to establish formal equality by law.

Statement B- Most policies of affirmative action are thus designed to correct the cumulative effect of past inequalities.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:

1- Only Statement 'A' is correct.
2- Only Statement 'B' is correct.
3- Both Statements are correct.
4- Both Statements are incorrect.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 2 - 2

1- Only Statement 'A' is correct.
2- Only Statement 'B' is correct.
3- Both Statements are correct.
4- Both Statements are incorrect.

Statement B- Most policies of affirmative action are thus designed to correct the cumulative effect of past inequalities. (CORRECT)

Correction in the incorrect Statement A:- Affirmative action is based on the idea that it is NOT sufficient to establish formal equality by law.

Affirmative action is based on the idea that it is not sufficient to establish formal equality by law. When we wish to eliminate inequalities that are deeply rooted, it is necessary to take some more positive measures to minimise and eliminate entrenched forms of social inequalities. Most policies of affirmative action are thus designed to correct the cumulative effect of past inequalities. Affirmative action can however take many forms, from preferential spending on facilities for disadvantaged communities, such as, scholarships and hostels to special consideration for admissions to educational institutions and jobs. In our country we have adopted a policy of quotas or reserved seats in education and jobs to provide equality of opportunity to deprived groups, and this has been the subject of considerable debate and disagreement. The policy has been defended on the ground that certain groups have been victims of social prejudice and discrimination in the form of exclusion and segregation. These communities who have suffered in the past and been denied equal opportunities cannot be immediately expected to compete with others on equal terms. Therefore, in the interest of creating an egalitarian and just society they need to be given special protection and help.