Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


According to the Jain Philosophy, the term 'Jina' means ________.


free from fetters



the conqueror

Correct Answer:

the conqueror


The correct answer is Option 4- the conqueror

According to Jain philosophy, the term Jina means the conqueror. It is used to refer to a person who has conquered their passions and attachments, and who has achieved enlightenment.

Jinas are considered to be the highest spiritual beings in Jainism. They are revered as teachers and guides, and their teachings are followed by millions of people around the world.

There have been twenty-four Jinas in history, the most recent of whom was Mahavira. Mahavira lived in the 6th century BCE, and he is considered to be the founder of Jainism.

Jinas are often depicted as standing in a posture of meditation, with their hands raised in a gesture of blessing. They are also sometimes depicted with symbols of their enlightenment, such as the lotus flower and the wheel of dharma.

The ideal of the Jina is a powerful inspiration to Jains. It reminds them of the possibility of achieving liberation from the cycle of birth and death, and it motivates them to live a life of virtue and compassion.