An ammeter and a voltmeter are connected in series to a battery with an emf E = 6 volt when a certain resistance is connected in parallel with voltmeter, the reading of latter decreases two times, where as the reading of the ammeter increasing the same number of times. |
What is ratio of resistance of voltmeter to resistance of ammeter
2 1/2 1/3 3 |
2 |
Suppose RA = Resistance of ammeter, Rv = resistance of Voltmeter In the first case current is the circuit $ I = \frac{6}{R_A+R_V} $ ….(1) And voltage across voltmeter V = 6 – Voltage across ammeter $ V = 6 - \frac{6}{R_A+R_V}R_A $ ...............(2) In the second case reading of ammeter becomes two times i.e. the total resistance become half while the resistance of ammeter remains unchanged. Hence $I = \frac{6}{R_A+R_V/2} = \frac{12}{R_A+R_V} $ and voltage across voltmeter $V'= 6 – I R_A = 6 - \frac{12}{R_A+R_V} R_A $ …..(3) It is given that $V'= \frac{V}{2} $............(4) $\Rightarrow 6-\frac{12}{R_A+R_V} R_A = \frac{6 - \frac{6}{R_A+R_V} R_A }{2} $ $\Rightarrow \frac{R_V}{R_A} = 2$