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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


How did Pakistan differ from India in terms of foreign policy during the period after the independence of both countries, India and Pakistan?
1) Pakistan advocated for non-alignment
2) Pakistan joined US-led military alliances
3) Pakistan aligned with the Soviet Union
4) None of the above

Choose the correct answer from the given options:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 2 - 2

1) Pakistan advocated for non-alignment
2) Pakistan joined US-led military alliances
3) Pakistan aligned with the Soviet Union
4) None of the above

During the Cold war, the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Soviet-led warsaw pact came into existence. India advocated non-alignment as the ideal foreign policy approach. This was a difficult balancing act and sometimes the balance did not appear perfect. In 1956 when Britain attacked Egypt over the Suez Canal issue, India led the world protest against this neo-colonial invasion. But in the same year when the USSR invaded Hungary, India did not join its public condemnation. Despite such a situation, by and large India did take an independent stand on various international issues and could get aid and assistance from members of both the blocs. While India was trying to convince the other developing countries about the policy of non-alignment, Pakistan joined the US-led military alliances. The US was not happy about India’s independent initiatives and the policy of non-alignment. Therefore, there was a considerable unease in Indo-US relations during the 1950s. The US also resented India’s growing partnership with the Soviet Union.