Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Human Rights in India

Which of the following is a ground on which the National Commission for Minorities can refuse to admit a complaint?
when the complainant has not availed of other ordinary judicial/quasi-judicial/administrative institutions that are available for redressal
when a matter is subjudice
complaints that are not directly addressed to it
All of the above
Correct Answer:
All of the above
There are many grounds on which the Commission typically declines admitting the complaint. Firstly, it does not entertain or admit cases or complaints that do not relate to Minority status or rights. Secondly, the complaint should not be pending before another court or commission, i.e., matters that are sub judice. Thirdly, where the complainant has not availed of other ordinary judicial/quasi-judicial/administrative institutions that are available for redressal, the Commission does not admit such matters unless the complainant has reasonable justification. Fourthly, the complaint should not relate to events that are more than one-year old. Fifthly, complaint should not be vague, anonymous, pseudonymous or frivolous. Lastly, Commission does not entertain complaints that are not directly addressed to it.