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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Which of the following did not happen after the salt law was broken in India by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930?


Peasants breached the hated colonial forest laws.

The factory workers went on strike.

Martial law was imposed on the entire country.

Students refused to attend government-run educational institutions

Correct Answer:

Martial law was imposed on the entire country.


The correct answer is Option 3 - Martial law was imposed on the entire country.

The martial law was not imposed in entire India after the Salt Satyagraha.

Gandhiji had given advance notice of his “Salt March” to the Viceroy Lord Irwin, Irwin failed to grasp the significance of the action. On 12 March 1930, Gandhiji began walking from his ashram at Sabarmati towards the ocean. He reached his destination three weeks later, making a fistful of salt as he did and thereby making himself a criminal in the eyes of the law. Meanwhile, parallel salt marches were being conducted in other parts of the country. As with Non-cooperation, apart from the officially sanctioned nationalist campaign, there were numerous other streams of protest. Across large parts of India, peasants breached the hated colonial forest laws that kept them and their cattle out of the woods in which they had once roamed freely. In some towns, factory workers went on strike while lawyers boycotted British courts and students refused to attend government-run educational institutions. As in 1920-22, now too Gandhiji’s call had encouraged Indians of all classes to make manifest their own discontent with colonial rule. The rulers responded by detaining the dissenters. In the wake of the Salt March, nearly 60,000 Indians were arrested, among them, of course, Gandhiji himself.