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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage carefully and choose appropriate option given below:

Lizard Island is only 30 km off the far north Queensland coast and 250 km north of Cairns, the most northernly city in northeastern Australia. The 1,012 hectare island is spectacularly rugged with vegetation ranging from grassland to rainforest and encompossing pandanus swamp, eucalypt woodland and mangroves. The most recent discoverers of this island were Sir Sydney Williams and another north Queensland businessman, Mr. John Wilson, now a Brisbane share broker. For several years from 1968, they camped on Lizard island for annual fishing holidays and in 1974 after obtaining a Queensland Government lease with other businessmen, built four cabins for guests. In the next step of development in 1978, they raised the number of bungalows to eight, then to fifteen in 1982 and in 1984 ultimately the complex was bought by the Queensland State Government Insurance Office. The island is consistently visited by those who seem to be quite careful about their health. Each has all the facilities expected in such an elegant resort including well-stocked minibar. It is because of this that Australian Prime Ministers for the decade or so have taken heed, as they constantly retreat to this island to rest, relax and lick the wounds of office. Since this island attracts people from all over the world, most of the time it remains packed. One of the island resort's founders, Queensland aviation pioneer, Sir Sydney Williams, affirms that a sturdy Arab Sheikh once came ashore from a chartered luxury yacht and tried to book a suite for the night. When told the place was full he hastily produced a cheque book and offered to buy it.

Who amongst the following discovered Lizard Island ?

(A) John Wilson
(B) A Brisbane sharebroker and a Queensland aviation pioneer
(C) Sydney Williams
(D) Queensland Government and Insurance Office

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(C) Only

(A) Only

(B) Only

(D) Only

Correct Answer:

(B) Only


The correct answer is: OPTION 3 --  (B) Only

Explanation: According to the passage, Lizard Island was discovered by Sir Sydney Williams and another north Queensland businessman, Mr. John Wilson.

Here's why:

* The passage states that Sir Sydney Williams, a Queensland aviation pioneer, and another businessman, John Wilson (who is now a Brisbane sharebroker), discovered Lizard Island.
* Option (A) mentions only John Wilson, which is partially accurate.
* Option (C) mentions only Sydney Williams, which is partially correct.
* Option (D) refers to the Queensland Government Insurance Office, which bought the resort complex later, not the discoverers of the island.
* Option (B) accurately combines Sir Sydney Williams (the aviation pioneer) and John Wilson (the Brisbane sharebroker) as the discoverers.