Practicing Success

Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


Read the passage given below and answer the following question.

Psychologists have proposed several theories of intelligence. One of representative theories of intelligence is given by Robert Sternberg. Robert Sternberg (1985) proposed the triarchic theory of intelligence. His theory of intelligence is based on the ability to adapt and shape so that one can achieve his/her goals and also his/her socio-culture aspect . According to him, there are three basic types of intelligence: Componential, Experiential, and Contextual. Componential or analytical intelligence is the analysis of information to solve problems. Persons high on this ability think analytically and critically and succeed in schools. Experiential intelligence is involved in using past experiences creatively to solve novel problems. Contextual or practical intelligence involves the ability to deal with environmental demands encountered on a daily basis. It may be called ‘street smartness’ or ‘business sense’.

In triarchic theory of intelligence by Sternberg, intelligence consists of:


Naturalistic ability

Intrapersonal ability

ability to adapt to surroundings

Specific abilities

Correct Answer:

ability to adapt to surroundings


As definition says to adapt and shape , where socio-culture consists all about environment and surroundings.