Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Which of the following is correct in respect of Sharia?


The Sharia is the law governing the Muslim community.

It is based on the Quran and the Hadis

Qiyas and Ijma also influenced Sharia

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - All of the above

OPTION 1 - The Sharia is the law governing the Muslim community.
OPTION 2 - It is based on the Quran and the Hadis
OPTION 3 - Qiyas and Ijma also influenced Sharia
OPTION 4 - All of the above

The Sharia is the law governing the Muslim community. It is based on the Quran and the hadis, traditions of the Prophet including a record of his remembered words and deeds. With the expansion of Islamic rule outside Arabia, in areas where customs and traditions were different, Qiyas (reasoning by analogy) and Ijma (consensus of the community) were recognised as two other sources of legislation. Thus, the Sharia evolved from the Quran, hadis, Qiyas and Ijma.