Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Solutions


The question given below consist of an assertion and a reason. Use the following key to choose the appropriate answer.

(a) Both Assertion and reason are correct statements, and Reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(b) Both Assertion and reason are correct statements, and Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(c) Assertion is correct, Reason is the wrong statement.

(d) Assertion is wrong, but Reason is the correct statement.

Assertion: An ideal solution obeys Henry's law.

Reason: In an ideal solution, solute-solute as well as solvent-solvent interactions are similar to solute-solvent interactions.






Correct Answer:



Ideal solution obeys Raoult's law at all compositions of solute and solvent and at all temperature. According to Raoult’s law, the vapour pressure of a volatile component in a given solution is given by PA = PoAxA . In the solution of a gas in a liquid, one of the components is so volatile that it exists as a gas and we have already seen that its solubility is given by Henry’s law which states that p = KH x. If we compare the equations for Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, it can be seen that the partial pressure of the volatile component or gas is directly proportional to its mole fraction in solution. Only the proportionality constant KH differs from p1 0 . Thus, Raoult’s law becomes a special case of Henry’s law in which KH becomes equal to PoA .