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Target Exam





Modern India: Framing the Constitution


He is considered as a leader of the peasant movement and urged that the term minorities be interpreted in economic terms. Identify the leader?


K.J. Khanderkar

N.G. Ranga

J. Nagappa

T.A. Ramalingam

Correct Answer:

N.G. Ranga


The correct answer is Option (2) → N.G. Ranga

While welcoming the Objectives Resolution, N.G. Ranga, a socialist who had been a leader of the peasant movement, urged that the term minorities be interpreted in economic terms. The real minorities for Ranga were the poor and the downtrodden. He welcomed the legal rights the Constitution was granting to each individual but pointed to its limits. In his opinion it was meaningless for the poor people in the villages to know that they now had the fundamental right to live, and to have full employment, or that they could have their meetings, their conferences, their associations and various other civil liberties. It was essential to create conditions where these constitutionally enshrined rights could be effectively enjoyed. For this they needed protection. “They need props. They need a ladder,” said Ranga.

More about N.G. Ranga: N.G. Ranga, also known as Nannapaneni Venkata Ranga, was a prominent leader in the Indian peasant and farmers' movement. He was one of the founding members of the Swatantra Party. He believed that the term "minorities" should be interpreted in economic terms, indicating that he was concerned about the economic well-being and rights of economically marginalized sections of society, including the agricultural community.