Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Globalisation and Social Change


Recent developments in Varanasi and its promotion through media made the city an attractive tourist spot. With which theory can this example be closely associated with?


Corporate culture

Culture of consumption

Glocalisation of culture

Conspicuous consumption

Correct Answer:

Culture of consumption


This example be closely associated with Culture of consumption.

CULTURE OF CONSUMPTION: Often when we speak of culture we refer to dresses, music, dances, food. However, culture as we know refers to a whole way of life. There are two uses of culture that any chapter on globalisation should mention. They are the culture of consumption and corporate culture.

Look at the crucial role that cultural consumption is playing in the process of globalisation especially in shaping the growth of cities. Till the 1970s the manufacturing industries used to play a major role in the growth of cities. Presently, cultural consumption (of art, food, fashion, music, tourism) shapes to a large extent the growth of cities. This is evident in the spurt in the growth of shopping malls, multiplex cinema halls, amusement parks and ‘water world’ in every major city in India. Most significantly advertisements and the media in general promote a culture where spending is important. To be careful with money is no longer a virtue. Shopping is a past time actively encouraged.