Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Human Rights in India


Assertion:  In 1990, the National Commission for Women was established under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990.
Reasoning: The Commission consists of a Chairperson and four Members who are nominated by the Central Government


Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A. Assertion (A) is true but Reasoning (R) is not correct.

Both Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) are false

Correct Answer:

Both Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) are false


In 1992, the National Commission for Women was established under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990. The Commission consists of a Chairperson and five Members who are nominated by the Central Government from amongst persons of ability, integrity, and standing who have had experience in any one of these areas² law or legislation, trade unionism, management of an industry potential of women, women's voluntary organizations ( including women activist ), administration, economic development, health, education, or social welfare. At least one member each belongs to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities. The member-secretary takes care of the administrative matters.