Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the direct form of the sentence.

The policeman enquired where his helmet was.


The policeman asked him, “Where is your helmet?”

The policeman asked him, “Where his helmet is?”

The policeman enquired, “Where his helmet was?”

The policeman enquired, “Where your helmet is?”

Correct Answer:

The policeman asked him, “Where is your helmet?”


The correct direct form of the sentence is: OPTION 1

"The policeman asked him, 'Where is your helmet?'"


  • In the original sentence, the policeman is asking a question.
  • The direct form correctly represents the policeman's question to someone else, using the correct word order and tense ("is").
  • The option maintains the subject-object relationship and the integrity of the original sentence.


The other options are incorrect because they do not make the necessary changes to the reporting verb, pronouns, or tense of the verbs.

  • The option "The policeman enquired, “Where his helmet is?”" does not change the reporting verb "enquired" to the past tense.
  • The option "The policeman enquired, “Where your helmet was?”" does not change the pronoun "his" to "you".
  • The option "The policeman asked him, “Where your helmet is?”" does not change the reporting verb "asked" to the past tense.