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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following is the author of the book ‘Sultry Days’?


Anita Nair

Nikita Singh

Shobhaa De

Judy Balan

Correct Answer:

Shobhaa De


The correct answer is Option (3) - Shobhaa De

"Sultry Days" is a novel written by Shobhaa De. Shobhaa De is an Indian author known for her works in the genre of fiction and non-fiction. She is renowned for her bold and contemporary writing style, often exploring themes related to relationships, society, and contemporary culture. "Sultry Days" is likely to reflect her signature style, possibly delving into themes of love, desire, and the complexities of human relationships against the backdrop of modern urban life in India. While I don't have specific details about the plot of "Sultry Days," one can expect Shobhaa De's characteristic blend of drama, romance, and social commentary in the narrative.