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General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following was the first Portuguese viceroy of India?


Francisco de Almeida

Duarte de Menezes

Lopo Soares de Albergaria

Alfonso de Albuquerque

Correct Answer:

Francisco de Almeida


The correct answer is Option 1- Francisco de Almeida

Francisco de Almeida was appointed the first viceroy of Portuguese India in 1505 by King Manuel I of Portugal.
Almeida was a experienced soldier and explorer who had already made a name for himself in the wars against the Moors.

Almeida's mission was to consolidate Portuguese control of the spice trade in India. He established four forts along the Indian coast, including Fort São Rafael in Anjediva, Fort São Miguel in Cochin, Fort São Sebastião in Quilon, and Fort São Lourenço in Goa. He also defeated the Zamorin of Calicut, a powerful local ruler who was hostile to the Portuguese.

Almeida's achievements laid the foundation for the Portuguese empire in India. He was succeeded as viceroy by his son, Afonso de Albuquerque, who further expanded Portuguese power in the region.