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Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


Which of the following is true about the attributes of a creative person?


Creative people have only intellectual attributes

Creative people have only attributes associated with creativity.

Creative people may have a blend of intellectual and creative attributes.

Creative people have no common attributes.

Correct Answer:

Creative people may have a blend of intellectual and creative attributes.


Researchers have found that the relationship between creativity and intelligence is positive. All creative acts require some minimum ability to acquire knowledge and capacity to comprehend, retain, and retrieve. Creative writers, for example, need facility in dealing with language. The artist must understand the effect that will be produced by a particular technique of painting, a scientist must be able to reason and so on. Hence, a certain level of intelligence is required for creativity but beyond that intelligence does not correlate well with creativity. It can be concluded that creativity can take many forms and blends. Some may have more of intellectual attributes, others may have more of attributes associated with creativity.