Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Matching Definitions

Erratic behavior is the behavior that is not appropriate, i.e. when an individual acts in a manner that is not regular, consistent or organized. Which of the following situations is the best example of Erratic Behavior?
Rocky can't contain his anger whenever the subject of local politics is discussed.
The supervisor tells Mike that he is being laid off. Before leaving the supervisor's office, he punches a hole in the window.
John has visited the dealer several times, but he still could not decide which car to buy.
In the past few months, Tony, who was a model employee for three years, is behaving differentially, i.e., he forgets important meetings, frequently calls in sick, and is verbally abusive to colleagues.
Correct Answer:
In the past few months, Tony, who was a model employee for three years, is behaving differentially, i.e., he forgets important meetings, frequently calls in sick, and is verbally abusive to colleagues.
This option clearly shows that the behaviour of Tony is irregular, inconsistent or unorganized.