Practicing Success

Target Exam





Modern India: Colonialism and the Countryside


From the options given below, select the main reason for the power and effectiveness of 'Jotedars'.


Jotedars controlled large troops.

Jotedars organised local justice also.

Jotedars were located in the villages and exercised direct control over the poor villages.

Jotedars were supported by the British.

Correct Answer:

Jotedars were located in the villages and exercised direct control over the poor villages.


The correct answer is Option (3) → Jotedars were located in the villages and exercised direct control over the poor villages.

Within the villages, the power of jotedars was more effective than that of zamindars. Unlike zamindars who often lived in urban areas, jotedars were located in the villages and exercised direct control over a considerable section of poor villagers. They fiercely resisted efforts by zamindars to increase the jama of the village, prevented zamindari officials from executing their duties, mobilised ryots who were dependent on them, and deliberately delayed payments of revenue to the zamindar. In fact, when the estates of the zamindars were auctioned for failure to make revenue payment, jotedars were often amongst the purchasers. The jotedars were most powerful in North Bengal, although rich peasants and village headmen were emerging as commanding figures in the countryside in other parts of Bengal as well. In some places they were called haoladars, elsewhere they were known as gantidars or mandals. Their rise inevitably weakened zamindari authority.