Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Solutions


Case: Read the paragraph and answer the following questions

      Colligative properties are not dependent on the chemical nature of the solution’s components. Thus, colligative properties can be linked to several quantities that express the concentration of a solution, such as molarity, normality, and molality. Boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, Relative lowering of vapour pressure and Osmotic pressure are the major colligative properties exhibited by solutions. In 1880 van’t Hoff introduced a factor i, known as the van’t Hoff factor, to account for the extent of dissociation or association.


What is the effect of temperature on osmotic pressure of the solution?


Decreases with increase in temperature.

Increases with increase in temperature.

Remains unchainged.

First decreases then increases slowly.

Correct Answer:

Increases with increase in temperature.


The answer is Option 2: Increases with increase in temperature.

Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the temperature of the solution. This is because the kinetic energy of the solute particles increases with temperature, and they are more likely to move from the pure solvent to the solution. This increases the osmotic pressure.

The equation for osmotic pressure is:

\(\pi = CRT\)


  • \(\pi\) is the osmotic pressure
  • C is the concentration of the solute
  • R is the gas constant
  • T is the temperature in Kelvin

As you can see, the osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the temperature. So, as the temperature increases, the osmotic pressure will also increase.

Option 1 (decreases with increase in temperature), Option 3 (remains unchanged), and Option 4 (first decreases then increases slowly) are all incorrect.