Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Read the following case study and answer questions.

What do you need to be a business person? Was the opening question the anchor of a television interview asked to an eminent business personality. "Cash" she heard and thought that her interview is going to be a spoil. For it was an answer so obvious and exhaustive that there was not anything else to talk and or this is what she thought.

The entrepreneur saved her day "young lady" he continued "you seem to have got it wrong. What I meant was not c_a_s_h = cash but K_A_S_H= KASH!"

Interview was off to a flying start. And the interviewer went onto elaborate what he meant K= Knowledge, A=Attitude, S= Skill and H= Habits.

Thus Entrepreneur should be confident enough having attitudes related to innovation, persuasion, research etc. He/She is the person who takes risk about future which is uncertain so he must have the required competencies to contribute to the development of the nation.

It is generally believed that Entrepreneur undertakes:


Calculated risks

High risks

Low risks

Moderated and calculated risks

Correct Answer:

High risks


The correct answer is Option 2: High risks

"It is generally believed that entrepreneurs take high risks. Yes, individuals opting for a career in entrepreneurship take a bigger risk that involved in a career in employment or practice of a profession as there is no “assured” payoff. In practice, for example, when a person quits a job to start on his own, he tries to calculate whether he or she would be able to earn the same level of income or not. To an observer, the risk of quitting a well-entrenched and promising career seems a “high” risk, but what the person has taken is a calculated risk."