Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence.

Finish this task as soon as possible.


Let this task should be finished as soon as possible.

Let this task completed as soon as possible.

Let this task be completed as soon as possible.

Let this task be complete as soon as possible.

Correct Answer:

Let this task be completed as soon as possible.


The correct Passive form of the given sentence is:

Let this task be completed as soon as possible.

So, the correct passive form is: "Let this task be completed as soon as possible."

The other options and their explanations:

☀ Let this task should be finished as soon as possible.

  • This option is not grammatically correct. In the passive construction with "Let," the auxiliary verb "be" is used without the modal verb "should."

☀ Let this task completed as soon as possible.

  • This option is not grammatically correct. It lacks the auxiliary verb "be" and uses "completed" as a bare past participle without a linking verb.

☀ Let this task be complete as soon as possible.

  • This option is not grammatically correct. The correct form should be "be completed," not "be complete," to form the passive voice correctly.