Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary South Asia


Examine the given Cartoon carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

What is the effort made by the person shown in this cartoon?


He is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Vedda and Tamils.

He is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Buddhist and Tamils.

He is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Sinhalas and Tamils.

He is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Sinhalas and Vedda.

Correct Answer:

He is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Sinhalas and Tamils.


Mr. Mahinda Raspaksa who was the president of Sri Lanka is trying to strike a balance between the two communities i.e. Sinhala and Tamils.