Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the most appropriate Indirect Speech of the given Direct speech:

He said to him, "Please wait here till I return."


He requested him to wait there till he returned.

He requested that wait here till he return.

He said that please wait there till he returned.

He said that wait there till he had returned.

Correct Answer:

He requested him to wait there till he returned.


The correct answer is Option (1) → He requested him to wait there till he returned.

- When converting direct speech to indirect speech, we often change the verb "said" to a verb that reflects the manner of speaking more accurately. Here, "said" has been changed to "requested," as the original sentence implies a polite request rather than a direct statement.
- "Please wait here till I return" is reported indirectly as "to wait there till he returned." This maintains the meaning of the original sentence while shifting it into the indirect form.
- The correct verb tense "returned" is used to reflect the backshifting of the tense from present to past in reported speech.