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The Study of shapes and surfaces of land surfaces such as relief, drainage, and vegetation is called as :






Correct Answer:



Option 3: Topography.

Explanation: Topography is the scientific study and mapping of the physical features and characteristics of the Earth's surface. It involves examining and describing the shape, elevation, slope, relief, and other surface features of a particular area. This field of study includes analyzing the landforms, including mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, and other natural and artificial features. It also takes into account the distribution of vegetation, the pattern of drainage systems, and other elements that contribute to the overall landscape.

Geometry, as mentioned in Option 1, is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of points, lines, shapes, and solids, but it is not specifically focused on land surfaces or topographic features.

Geology, mentioned in Option 2, is the study of the Earth's solid materials, including rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape the Earth's structure. While it may include the examination of land surfaces, it has a broader scope beyond just the study of surface features.

Topology, mentioned in Option 4, is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the properties of space that are preserved under continuous transformations, such as stretching or bending. It does not specifically address the study of land surfaces or their features.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option 3: Topography, which specifically refers to the study of shapes and surfaces of land surfaces such as relief, drainage, and vegetation.