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General Test


General Knowledge


The ‘Hemis Festival’ is celebrated in Ladakh on the 10th day of the Tibetan Lunar month. To which of the following lords is the festival dedicated?


Lord Ganesha

Lord Padmasambhava

Lord Shiva

Lord Vishnu

Correct Answer:

Lord Padmasambhava


The correct answer is Option (2) - Lord Padmasambhava

The Hemis Festival is a significant religious and cultural celebration held annually in Ladakh, a region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It takes place on the 10th day of the Tibetan lunar month, usually falling in June or July. The festival is primarily dedicated to Guru Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, who is considered the second Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism.

Guru Padmasambhava played a crucial role in spreading Buddhism to Tibet and is revered as a master of tantric teachings. He is believed to have introduced Vajrayana Buddhism to the Himalayan region, including Ladakh. The Hemis Festival commemorates Guru Padmasambhava's birth anniversary, although some also interpret it as celebrating his victory over evil forces and the spread of Buddhism.

During the Hemis Festival, the Hemis Monastery, one of the most prominent monasteries in Ladakh and the largest in the region, becomes the focal point of celebrations. Monks perform sacred masked dances known as "Cham" in the monastery courtyard, accompanied by traditional music, chanting, and rituals. These cham dances depict various aspects of Buddhist mythology, including stories of Guru Padmasambhava's life, his teachings, and spiritual accomplishments.

Additionally, the Hemis Festival attracts a large number of devotees and tourists from different parts of the world who come to witness the vibrant cultural festivities, seek blessings, and experience the unique traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Overall, the Hemis Festival is a joyous occasion that not only honors the legacy of Guru Padmasambhava but also showcases the rich cultural heritage of Ladakh and its deep-rooted Buddhist traditions.