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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following music instruments are solid instruments ?


Tata Vadya

Ghana Vadya

Avanaddha Vadya

Sushira Vadya

Correct Answer:

Ghana Vadya


The correct answer is Option (2) - Ghana Vadya

Ghana Vadya:  This term refers to solid instruments in Indian music classification. These instruments produce sound primarily by the vibration of a solid material when struck or shaken. Examples include cymbals, bells, and the ghatam (clay pot drum).

Tata Vadya: These are string instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating stretched strings. Examples include the sitar and veena.

Avanaddha Vadya: These are membranophones, instruments with a stretched membrane that vibrates to produce sound. Examples include the tabla and dhol (drums).

Sushira Vadya: These are wind instruments where air blown through them creates the sound. Examples include the flute and shehnai.