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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Open Economy Macro Economics


Arrange the following in chronological order

A. The Gold Standard

B. The Bretton Woods System

C. Special Drawings Rights (SDR)

D. Flexible Exchange Rate

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


A, B, C, D

A, B, D, C

B, A, C, D

B, A, D, C

Correct Answer:

A, B, C, D


The correct answer is option (1) : A, B, C, D

  • A. The Gold Standard: This system preceded Bretton Woods and was prevalent in the 19th and early 20th centuries, where currencies were directly convertible into gold at a fixed price.
  • B. The Bretton Woods System: Established in 1944 after World War II, it fixed exchange rates relative to the US dollar, with the dollar convertible to gold.
  • C. Special Drawing Rights (SDR)*: Introduced by the IMF in 1969, SDRs are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets that member countries can use to supplement their official reserves.
  • D. Flexible Exchange Rate: This system began to emerge in the early 1970s after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, allowing exchange rates to fluctuate based on market forces without fixed rates or convertibility to gold.
