Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option.

I am allowed to take photographs inside the church _______?


shall I

aren’t I

am I

can’t I

Correct Answer:

aren’t I


I am allowed to take photographs inside the church, aren’t I?


  • Shall I: This phrase is used to make offers or suggestions. It's not appropriate in this context where the speaker is seeking confirmation or agreement about the permission to take photographs.

  • Aren’t I: This is the correct choice. In this context, the speaker is seeking agreement or confirmation of their statement by using a negative tag question. The statement is affirmative ("I am allowed to take photographs inside the church"), so the tag question should be negative ("aren’t I").

  • Am I: This option doesn't fit here. The question is not about the speaker's identity or existence, but rather about permission to take photographs.

  • Can’t I: While this option may seem plausible, "aren't I" is a more appropriate tag question in this context. "Can't I" might imply uncertainty about the speaker's ability to take photographs, while "aren't I" seeks agreement with the statement.