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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change

How did mechanization started by colonial powers impacted the traditional handicraft industry?
The traditional craftsmen were included in the mechanized industries as a skilled workforce.
It led to destruction of the Indian handicraft industry and these workers were forced to choose agriculture as their primary occupation.
Mechanization resulted in the migration of rural craftsmen to cities.
Mechanization and rural craft industries existed flourished side by side.
Correct Answer:
It led to destruction of the Indian handicraft industry and these workers were forced to choose agriculture as their primary occupation.
The extensive importation of cheap European piecegoods and utensils, and the establishment in India itself of numerous factories of the Western type, have more or less destroyed many village industries. The high prices of agricultural produce have also led many village artisans to abandon their hereditary craft in favour of agriculture…The extent to which this disintegration of the old village organisation is proceeding varies considerably in different parts.