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Grammar: Phrasal Verb


From the given options, which Phrasal Verb can be used in a sentence to convey the same meaning as "to show patience"?


bear away

bear upon

bear with

bear out

Correct Answer:

bear with


The best phrasal verb to convey the same meaning as "to show patience" is: Option 3: bear with

  • Bear with implies enduring a difficult or frustrating situation with tolerance and understanding. It emphasizes the act of putting up with something despite its challenges, which aligns perfectly with the concept of showing patience.
  • Bear away means to carry something away or to fly away. It doesn't relate to patience.
  • Bear upon suggests having an influence or effect on something.
  • Bear out means to confirm or substantiate something.

Therefore, "bear with" is the most appropriate phrasal verb that directly corresponds to the meaning of "to show patience." It effectively conveys the act of tolerating and enduring something with understanding and without losing composure.