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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


Match the following options in List 1 correctly with those in List 2:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Ganesha

(I) Scribe of Mahabharata as per traditions

(B) Kachchana

(II) Conducted excavations in a village named Hastinapura

(C) Indra

(III) A disciple of Buddha

(D) B.B. Lal

(IV) A deity symbolizing valour, warfare, and rain


(A)- II, (B)- I, (C)- IV, (D)- III

(A)- III, (B)- II, (C)- I, (D)- IV

(A)- II, (B)- III, (C)- I, (D)- IV

(A)- I, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- II

Correct Answer:

(A)- I, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- II


Lord Ganesha was the scribe according to tradition, and Vyasa dictated the text of the Mahabharata to the deity.

We encounter a thought-provoking dialogue between King Avantiputta and Kachchana (a disciple of Buddha), based on a Buddhist text known as the Majjhima Nikaya. The conversation revolves around the perceptions of caste and social status. Although the story may not be historically accurate, it offers insights into Buddhist attitudes towards varna (caste).

Indra, a prominent deity symbolizing valour, warfare, and rain, is invoked in a mantra of Rigveda which is probably used in Hindu marriages.

In 1951-52, the archaeologist B.B. Lal conducted excavations in a village named Hastinapura in Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). The question arose whether this village was the same as the Hastinapura mentioned in the epic. Although the similarity in names could be coincidental, the site's location in the Upper Ganga doab, where the Kuru kingdom was situated, hints that it might have been the capital of the Kurus as described in the text.